Loud & Abrasive

Art · Games · Software · Bull$#!&

Well folks, it’s nearabout Christmas again, and the mix is releasing earlier than usual, to maximize your enjoyment. Well, “enjoyment” might be too strong a word, given what we know about holiday music, but between lots of new releases, local favorites, and forgotten big-name singles, these tunes approach the limit of “Pretty OK.”

Truth be told this early release is self-serving as Gigs and I are about to hit the road again. I quit my job in the summer and we’ve managed to stretch walking the Camino de Santiago then into walking a winter wonderland now. It’s exciting to be away and abroad for the holidays, but at the same time we’ll miss our friends and families. Also in the family spirit, the mix is kid-friendly for the first time in a while, give or take a “goddamn.”

Whether you’re near or far from loved ones this holiday, listener, I hope these tunes bring you comfort and maybe even joy, and that good fortune finds you this and next year.

Season’s greetings,
Patrick / Boogerbear

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